Saturday, January 29, 2011

Crazy Love

I am beginning a journey. A journey with a relentless God. I want to be overwhelmed by Him! I want passion! I want to experience some crazy love! I am sick of myself; sick of being selfish; sick of going through the motions!!!

I have lost the AWE of God and I WANT IT BACK!!!

So I am reading and studying a book by Francis Chan. The title is Crazy Love. It starts out with a quote from The Seeking Heart by Francois Fenelon: 'To just read the Bible, attend church, and avoid "big" sins - is this passionate, wholehearted love for God?'

Think about it . . . reading the Bible, attending church and avoiding big sins - that sounds just plain boring!!

The God who created the universe: stars, moons, planets, galaxies; - the God who creates life of every form: plants, insects, animals, organisms, and babies - that is the same God who knows every single detail about every single person who ever lived, who is living, and who will ever live! That blows my mind!!! There is NO way that can possibly be boring! This God deserves SOOO much more from me than complacency and selfishness! He deserves my passion!

He is my:

Adonai - Master

Beginning and End


Dwelling Place

El Shaddai - All sufficient



Holy One

Inhabitor of Praises

Jehovah-Jireh - Provider

Kadosh - Holy One

Lamb that was slain

Magen - Shield

Name above every name


Palet - Deliverer

Quickening Spirit

Rose of Sharon

Soter - Savior

Tsaddiq - Righteous one

Upholder of all things






I am on a journey to fall crazy in love with my Savior. It is going to be a great experience. One I want to be on for the rest of my days.

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