Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Grandkids are IT!!

I have been out of town the past 9 days and 6 of those days
I spent with my awesome grandsons, Colby and Carson!
What a grand time we had!!

Carson is 8 1/2 months and he is working hard at walking! I can't believe it!
None of my children walked early. He was up to 9-10 steps by the time I left.
As you can see in the above picture he gets lots of practice pushing big brother, Colby,
around on the tricycle!

Colby and I spent lots of time playing ball! He knows just how he wants
the ball thrown and was certain to tell me, especially if I throw it wrong!
Sometimes it had to be high
Sometimes it had to be low
Sometimes it had to be rolled
I could always count on him letting me know if I did it right!

Carson crawling!
Carson doesn't crawl like most babies!
He crawls on his hands and feet - I don't even
know if that counts as crawling?!?
He looks like a monkey! But this way
he is always ready to stand up and work
on his walking!

Seth took Colby fishing one night and this is what he caught!
He was so proud!!!

I was thinking about how much I love my children
and how much I love these two little guys!

They are called grandchildren for a reason.

Just take the love you have for your own child and double it
and that is what you feel for your grandchildren.
I wonder what it will be like with great-grandchildren.
I will be waiting a LONG time before that happens - thank goodness!

Thinking about the love we feel for our children and grandchildren
makes me think about the love God has for us.

His love doesn't grow with each generation like ours does.
He has always loved and will always love all humankind extraordinarily!
I cannot even imagine the love He has for us but I am SO grateful!

His love is BOUNDLESS!!

His love is EXTRAVAGANT!!

His love is NEVERENDING!!

His love is enough for me!! What else could I possible need?

How great is the love the Father has lavished on us,
that we should be called children of God!
And that is what we are!
1 John 3:1

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