Thursday, July 24, 2008

News from Kate

I received an e-mail from Kate this evening. They are still waiting for 4 bags to arrive - hopefully tomorrow. Here is part of her update:

"The past 2 days the medical team has gone south of where we are staying, about 2 hours away, to a church up on some mountain. It's pretty cool weather up there. We had to go down some mud road that was like randomly cut out of the bush and then people live all back in there. It's kind of crazy. The little kids took us to their school today and showed us their classrooms. Yesterday I was one of the "doctors." Haha, talk about practicing medicine without a license. We had a little 2 month old baby come in with pneumonia. Oh and today Jon and I cut off a little tumor/growth thing from some ladies ear. It was pretty cool."

I know everyone is being blessed by this experience and appreciate all the prayers that are being sent up on their behalf!

1 comment:

gwen said...

Wow- what an experience! What a wonderful act of service- a blessing for them for the opportunity as well as for those they are serving.